Monday, September 27, 2010

Are You Prepared for a Free Radical?!

Okay, so I have a it too much to ask for a microwave at work? I mean, we have a couple of antique cars, a full refrigerator/freezer, and a storage unit, but we can't have a microwave. I can't have my soup. I can't have my freezer meals. I can't have cup-o-noodles. No, I have to go out and spend my hard-earned money that I'm trying to save for grad school. I didn't realize it would be so difficult. I even asked my friend what her thoughts were on the matter.
Trista:  People afraid of free radicals
me:  oh dear. i'll show them a free radical
Trista: and how
me:  oh you'll read about it in the papers
Not my greatest quote or idea on what to do about the matter, but it made me giggle and that's what I needed at the time. So instead of eating lunch today, I starved. LAME! 

I would also like to now why there are both a Mens and Womens bathroom, yet the men in the building use both there aren't any women floating around. I mean, yes I'm largely outnumbered, but at least put the SEAT BACK DOWN in the Womens room. Good grief folks! Have some common sense here.

Now, I may sound like a free radical after airing all my grievances here, but at least I can hold it together. I'm not going off on everyone. I manage to be an adult...minus my goof moments when I laugh uncontrollably. I promise I won't hurt anyone for not having a microwave or for leaving the seat up, but I do wish more folks would use common sense in life. It would make life a lot easier :)

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