Um, I did NOT give my ward my e-mail address to be S-P-A-M-M-E-D by them! I especially did not freely give my e-mail address to my freaking relief society to get spammed about stupid jean parties. I do not care what kind of designer jeans I can buy for an "Extra 25%" off. If I want flippin' jeans, I'll go buy them from Ypsilon. At least I know they aren't hot that way.
So I told Trista about this e-mail. I have to say that the chat that ensued, was PRICELESS. Here it is, in it's entirety (please feel free to laugh)
12:47 PM me: i just got an email and i will be blogging about it tonight
::shakes head::
12:57 PM Trista: what about?
1:07 PM me: buying jeans
someone in my ward is having a "jean party" and they're using the ward email list to invite people
1:08 PM i get enough freaking spam crap about RS meetings and service projects and harassing phone calls about nothing doing my VT-ing (when my own VT-ers don't even visit)
er, not doing**
now i have to get SPAM about jean sells
1:09 PM jesus doesn't spam my email, why should they?!
1:11 PM Trista: If jesus did... wonder what his email address would be?? ;)
me: maybe
or it could be a .org
1:12 PM Trista: I could see .org
me: you think it'd be cause then god could be
and there would be
1:13 PM Trista: lol
me: and
Trista: that is the trash folder ;)
me: cause i always pray and tell god i need to file a greviance with him
it's usually about taylor
but whatever
Yeah...good job H29 RS! I'll certainly NOT be attending your meetings for another Sunday. Thanks for spamming my inbox. I'll be sure to block all of your e-mail addresses so I don't get any of your announcements of church, service projects, RS stuff, and most importantly craptastic spam messages like these. From now own, the BISHOP CAN E-MAIL ME or you can just send word via my home teachers. I like them...they are nice guys and they smell good.
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