Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pink Hill VFD - Giving Thanks

To all my friends at Pink Hill VFD, thanks posting this! This holiday season, be thankful not only for your family but for the people who save your life... especially when you're the one who's done something stupid (usually my case).
When the tone goes off at 1:00 in the morning or anytime, a medic, volunteer firefighter, EMT, or rescue person is startled awake, jumps out of bed, gets dressed, and is en-route. Regardless of the hour, the weather conditions, the holiday or event - when needed, they promptly respond. Put this as your status for a while, if you are an emergency responder, know one or if you love one!
Well, I loved one once and I know a few, so I feel like I should definitely re-post this on Facebook, however their lovely character limit got me. Yay! So now, I'll put it here and actually write how I really feel, or you can just read my last blog post.

What the emergency responders do is beyond me. I could never see the pain they see. I could never touch the lives they touch. And I could never tell a mother her child is dead, yet they do that every day... with little to no thanks for what they do, the lives they've saved, and the people they've touched.

You just go about your life, assuming that if something happens they'll come save you. How many times have you gone to the ER almost dying? How many times have you been in a car accident and someone was there to save you? How many times have you thought about the brave men and women who risk their lives for you? How many times have you ever wondered what their names are? Well, today I think it's time to be thankful for them.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lessons Learned

So I obviously I can't sleep and with it having to do nothing with this blog post, I figured why not go ahead and make a post! That sentence made very little sense, but whatever...I'm running on very little sleep. I hope that this post makes some sense.
Earlier today (technically yesterday) I was talking to my friend about some lessons I had learned while dating Taylor and how they had really been beneficial to me. I feel like I need to share those lessons here, mostly because they fit right into where I want to be now with Andrew, yet I don't have the kahunas to actually tell him all about it. Enjoy the lessons :)

Honey, that's what firemen (or in my case right now, military men) do. They get out of bed in the middle of the night and go and save someone's life, at risk of their own. And their wives sit at home and worry and pray that they come back in one piece. That's just how it works and it's hard, but you can't stop him from doing what he loves.

Being able to do things for the two of you, make the decisions, make the moves and be the man of the house while he's away, makes you strong enough to be a fireman's (or a military man's) wife. Yeah, it's frustrating and it's hard and it sucks but you do it. You do it to be with him. You do it because you want to be with him. You do it because you love him. You do it because there's no one else to do it and you're a good woman who can do it. You can provide and stand on your own two feet. You might not be truly "independent" per se, but you can run the house without him having to be there. 

You support him because he's the one who needs the support because of his career choices and yeah, sometimes you'll need support too and he'll be there, but what about when he isn't? What if he's out fighting a fire? Or saving a life? Or fighting a war? You've got a support network built in - friends, family, church, neighbors, loved ones. That's what women do - they network and rely on each other for support - where men don't normally rely on those kinds of relationships. They rely on us, their wives and girlfriends.

So then what happens when you're both stressed out to the max, things are piling up and well, you're both getting cranky? It's time to use two of my favorite words "Screw That" and then just relax and enjoy the time you have with each other. You simply have to make time for each other and not be ready to claw each others eyes out at the smallest hint of a disagreement. Don't let the small details get in the way of the big picture. If you truly love each other, time, distance, and a little petty items won't matter. All that does matter is you and him and love.

Enjoy the quiet moments and if you don't have any - MAKE THEM. It doesn't matter how big or small your quiet moments are, but it is a requirement in any and every relationship. My personal favorite quite moment, sitting around a bonfire roasting marshmallows. Cheesy, yes. But it works just fine. It takes you away from life just long enough to make you realize you need to slow down and appreciate the little things (plus you get a tasty treat!).

Anyways, I doubt Taylor even knows he and his mom taught me all of those wonderful things. I wish I could tell them both how much I appreciate it.

I also wish I could tell Andrew these things that I've learned and how I've signed up for this program. I signed up on day one when I invited him out on a date and he said yes. My signature has not been revoked...yet...and I don't want it to be.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Epic Black Friday

What a wonderful and busy Black Friday. I'm not sure that "epic" is the correct word for today - since last year's Black Friday was so much more life changing and I've yet to recover from it - but it was still freaking awesome. Here's my load for the day:
  • 2 bras
  • 1 handy dandy VS bag filled with yummies
  • 2 towels
  • 2 scarves
  • 1 shirt
  • 1 cashmere sweater
  • 2 awesome gifts for Christmas

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Twas the night before Thanksgiving...

...and all thru this house, Liz has so much on her mind, it could squash a human-sized mouse. There, I tried to be festive, but I'm not sure it worked. Oh my stars has been quite a last couple of days, so much so that my head hurts.

First of all I would like to gloat a little. Why? Well...I mean, I did survive the biggest blizzard to hit Utah in SEVEN years! That's right, I survived Snowpocalypse 2010, in my own bed, all by myself, WITH electricity. Bam!

Evil man upstairs has YET AGAIN decided that he must have the most optimal parking spot. So yesterday before Snowpocalypse 2010 we had to have a Chinese Fire Drill in the flipping parking lot. It's freezing and the wind is blowing and I'm standing outside DEBATING where I can and can not park my car. Can I really just find a place that doesn't have a psycho in it and park like a NORMAL human being?! Senior Pain In My Rear also took the chance to move this huge block thing so I could only park so close to the house. Maybe I DON'T CARE if there are icicles on my car...unless my gas tank or doors are iced shut. So now I have to park farther away from the house than I'd prefer. I'm really starting to hate him more than before. Also, this morning he WATCHES me struggle to de-ice my car for 20 minutes and doesn't offer to help...and you wonder why he doesn't have a wife (yeah, she left him).

So I'm not going to be going home from Thanksgiving this year and after having filed a complaint to my dad about not being invited to ANY Thanksgiving dinners, I get invitations to three dinners in 24 hours. Now I have food for my own dinner and three invites. Not really sure which dinner(s) I'll be making it to, but at least I'll be fat and sassy.

Also, it seems that people really don't care for the TSA's new body scans or "aggressive" pat downs. I can't say that the pat downs are or are not aggressive because I've not had one, but I'm not sure that this is the brightest idea ever. Yeah, I don't want to blow up on an airplane, but I don't want some strange lady feeling me up either. I guess you have to pick the less of the two evils. But on that topic, some folks protested today at the SLC airport. A lady really taped a sign to her baby that said something to the effect of "TSA Don't Touch My Lunch." That made my day. Another guy tried to go thru security in his swimsuit - they made him put a shirt on. All I really can say about this I learned from Jenn - "Some people's children."

Oh, so I really like this guy...but after the whole Taylor thing, I don't want to rush into a relationship - not that he and I did but still. Back to story / point. I like this guy, but I'm not sure about him sometimes. Why? He seems really interested and then he seems really uninterested. I can't figure him out. I literally tried to talk to him today and for a minute it was like we were really connecting and then it was like I was talking to a cat. Have you ever tried talking to a cat? It looks at you like you're stupid and then continues doing whatever it was doing before you bugged it. What am I supposed to do?! I actually miss the guy and I was really trying to tell him, but now I just feel dumb.

I plan to spend what little time I have to myself tomorrow applying for scholarships. Um, Westminster is expensive and I'm really only taking 4 hours! I really wish I could take MORE classes, but I can't...I have to work. So, if anyone knows of any good grad school scholarships HELP A SISTER OUT! Okay? Okay!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Neighbor is Crazy

So as many of you *may* know, my neighbor upstairs is crazy. I really think he may be out of his mind - like to the point that his medication for his bi-polar disorder might not be quite as effective as it once use to be - crazy. Now, why would I, the kind, loving, non-judgmental person that I am say such "horrible" things about the man upstairs? Well...I have a laundry list.

So it snowed last night. He has YET TO LEAVE today, yet both times I've had to run outside - once to take a picture and once to the recycle bin (mostly because I was stupid and forgot to multitask) he has scraped the snow off BOTH of his vehicles. Between the first time he cleaned the snow off this morning and this afternoon, it snowed maybe a 1/2 inch.

He's the weird part - only one of the vehicles works well enough to drive on the street. Um, yeah...he has NOTHING to do with his life and he his obsessive compulsive disorder seems to be taking over. He also has to make sure that there is NO snow spots on his windshields.

Yeah, total weirdo.
Here's my car right after it started snowing last night.
Also, why I'm on the topic of this crazy guy's car issue. He also has to be parked a certain distance from the side of our house. We *use to* have a small walk-way between the place we parked and the front yard. Now, we don't. He is parked within like 2 inches of the side of the my side of the house. One slip of the break or a slip on ice and my wall is gone! He'll take out half of my apartment. This concerns me.

I guess last on my "complaint" - laundry list for today is the fact that it's a MILLION FREAKING DEGREES in my apartment. Now, I understand that I complain that I'm cold all the time and I like it warm, but this is really all to warm for me. I'd be happy with a nice set temperature around 72-73, but no. The thermostat is set on met chocolate (this isn't a joke). I have a bag of chocolate chips in my's melted. I have a bag of Hersey Kisses leftover from Halloween (please someone eat them) near my TV. They're melting from the heat! My apartment smells like chocolate. It's ridiculous.

Now I'm sure you're thinking "Liz, go turn the heat down!!!" Well I can't. Stupid upstairs has total control over it. Why? Who knows! That's just how Claudine planned it.

Ugh. Why he can't be normal?? I'll just never understand. If anyone would like to be "supportive"I would certainly appreciate it. This guy irritates me beyond belief and today I need a little extra support - so I don't go yell at him.

Love Liz

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Is It Always The Cute One?!

Long time no speak blog! I'm so sorry I've been paying more attention to the other blogs I write and not to you...but they pay me for those and you, well, you're just kinda here...for venting and FYI purposes. So I thought I'd share some of my new thoughts with you.

Why?! Why is it always the cute ones that are so freaking difficult to get through to?! I mean, what do I have to do to get this guy to notice me, show up naked at his house with a bow on my head? That would be a slight overkill on the point of the whole thing, but still...I really like this guy and it's just like I don't even exist to him. It totally blows. I've tried ignoring him...nothing. I've tried chasing him...nothing. I've tried being "cool"...nothing. I don't get it. I've asked my friends and well, the consensus isn't very good for me. It's, well, "maybe he's not into girls."

Suck. What do you say to that? I mean, he seems like a normal "I date girls" kinda guy. **NOTE, PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED BY THE NEXT FEW SENTENCES. I MEAN NO HARM AND WON'T JUDGE ON SEXUAL PREFERENCE** He holds open doors, drinks beer, and doesn't wear a coat (or scarf). And to top that off, he doesn't talk about girly things like shopping or waxing or lattes. I just can't seem to get him to notice me past a, "Hey, what's up?" then a "See ya later." Or if we have a "meaningful" conversation, it's about something stupid, like my appendix.

Grumble. Why in the WORLD is it always the cute one?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Did I Miss a Memo?

Okay, so I'm at work today totally minding my own business and I get this e-mail from a person I don't know with a strange subject. I opened it and it was from a girl in my Relief Society....
Um, I did NOT give my ward my e-mail address to be S-P-A-M-M-E-D by them! I especially did not freely give my e-mail address to my freaking relief society to get spammed about stupid jean parties. I do not care what kind of designer jeans I can buy for an "Extra 25%" off. If I want flippin' jeans, I'll go buy them from Ypsilon. At least I know they aren't hot that way.

So I told Trista about this e-mail. I have to say that the chat that ensued, was PRICELESS. Here it is, in it's entirety (please feel free to laugh)

12:47 PM me: i just got an email and i will be blogging about it tonight
  ::shakes head::

12:57 PM Trista: what about?

1:07 PM me: buying jeans
  someone in my ward is having a "jean party" and they're using the ward email list to invite people
1:08 PM i get enough freaking spam crap about RS meetings and service projects and harassing phone calls about nothing doing my VT-ing (when my own VT-ers don't even visit)
  er, not doing**
  now i have to get SPAM about jean sells
1:09 PM jesus doesn't spam my email, why should they?!
1:11 PM Trista: If jesus did... wonder what his email address would be?? ;)
 me: maybe
  or it could be a .org
1:12 PM Trista: I could see .org
 me: you think it'd be cause then god could be
  and there would be
1:13 PM Trista: lol
 Trista: that is the trash folder ;)
 me: cause i always pray and tell god i need to file a greviance with him
  it's usually about taylor
  but whatever

 Yeah...good job H29 RS! I'll certainly NOT be attending your meetings for another Sunday. Thanks for spamming my inbox. I'll be sure to block all of your e-mail addresses so I don't get any of your announcements of church, service projects, RS stuff, and most importantly craptastic spam messages like these. From now own, the BISHOP CAN E-MAIL ME or you can just send word via my home teachers. I like them...they are nice guys and they smell good.

Monday, October 4, 2010

WARNING: Do NOT Flip Out When Reading This

So I went out tonight to buy paper plates and sprinkles. An odd combination I know, but they were for two completely different uses - plates because I'm sick of dishes and by sick I mean I've quit doing them and I need clean plates and the sprinkles because I just like sprinkles. Well, I started my search at Big Lots. Nope, no sprinkles. Then I went to Dollar General. Also no sprinkles. Then I went to the Family Dollar. STILL NO FLIPPING SPRINKLES! I was completely unaware that it would be so difficult to find sprinkles, but the Family Dollar store did have a great deal on plates so I took them up on that. Well, as I was heading to the checkout stand, it happened.

This tiny little bank caught my eye. I stopped. I took two steps back and picked it up. Then I picked it up...and began to laugh uncontrollably. So then I looked for a price. It was 80 cents. I put it on the shelf. Picked it up. I put it down. I tried to walk away and I couldn't. So I picked it back up and walked to the registered with it. I decided that 80 cents wouldn't kill me.

What was it? A small patriotic Tootsie Roll bank filled with patriotically wrapped Tootsie Rolls. You're probably confused now or thinking I've really lost my mind. Well, I haven't. This makes PERFECT. sense and is actually a really big deal. Now, why is this even a big deal? Muahahaha. This is where the flip out is going to occur...

A few months ago, probably about three months or so now. I was standing at the island counter at Taylor's house and he was talking to his mom about how he didn't know Tootsie Roll made banks. Then she related this story about when she was a kid how they use to sell them as fundraisers for softball equipment and for camp and things like that. I remember being able to buy them from the store and having them as a kid. Taylor told us we were both crazy. He lamented about how he WANTED one and I told him if I found one, I would get him one. According to him, that was why I was the best.

Flipping out yet? Well quit! See now I have a Tootsie Roll bank for Taylor and no way to get it to him. I'm actually kind of amused. I'm not sure why I'm so amused by this, but I am. I want to give it to him mostly because I got it for him, but I don't know how I would give it to him...and yes, I know, I'm "over" him but I can still be pathetic and care about people that have touched my life.

I see nothing wrong with purchasing or creating simple and small gifts for those who mean the world to me, even if they don't care for me. I guess that's my giving and loving heart coming out. I see the good in every person, even when they aren't worth it because I want to be like God and I want to see the good in them like He does...even if I'm not always the best at it.

Anyways, when I upload my camera pictures at the end of the week I'll post some pictures of the bank. You'll get a good giggle out of it. It's pretty amusing.

As promised, here is a picture:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Liz Wants a Dog - NOW!

In case you haven't heard, I want a dog. I'm pretty paranoid that someone is trying to break into my little apartment. Now there are several reasons for this. 1) I watch a LOT of murder mysteries. 2) I have a vivid imagination. 3) My ex still has a key. 4) The guy who lives above me looks (and sometimes acts) like he could be a creepy sex offender. He even has the sex offender stash. Um, dude upstairs, Sex Offender September is O-V-E-R. Please shave. Just to name a few....

Well, I've been doing a little looking today after many phone calls with my dad about dogs and I've narrowed it down to a few dogs. I also read this really great article from Woman's Day, which I'm also including in this post. You can link to the article here or just read below:

10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

Learn which canines rank highest on the I.Q. scale

By R. Ann Sipper Posted June 15, 2009 from Associated Content

Choosing an intelligent dog breed is important for a variety of reasons. Among other considerations, a dog's level of intelligence helps indicate how easy it will be to train and how much attention it will require from you. Here are 10 of the most intelligent dog breeds.
10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds1. Shetland sheep dog
This breed widely is accepted as one of the smartest. It was bred to wrangle sheep and cattle, a job that requires a high level of brain function. More than anything else, these dogs enjoy attention from people.
2. Doberman pinscher
Dobermans are loyal dogs known for being easy to train and their great skill range. While Doberman pinschers' temperaments can vary greatly, they are loyal dogs that work well in a family setting, despite their intimidating appearances.
3. Golden retriever
A golden retriever's intellect often is reflected in its ability to obey its masters. Golden retrievers use this wonderful affinity for obedience to excel at performing tricks.
4. Border collie
This is one of those intelligent dog breeds that makes the top of the list. However, it requires an active pet owner and lifestyle. Border collies require large yards and lots of activity, and they are masterful at showcasing their skills in dog shows and on farms.
5. Poodle
The poodle loves to be around people. These dogs are known for being easy to train and willing to learn new skills. These qualities make poodles excellent participants in dog shows and wonderful companions at home.
6. Rottweiler
While these dogs' intimidating nature is well-known, rottweilers are regarded as some of the most intelligent guard dogs available. They are intensely loyal to their families and are known for their willingness to be trained.
7. German shepherd They may be best recognized for their athletic abilities and bravery, but German shepherds also rank high in the intelligence department. Their ability to function as protective guard dogs stems from their ability to easily be trained.
8. Labrador retriever
When you are looking for a dog that is good-natured and intelligent, the Labrador retriever is a breed that jumps to the top of the list. They make wonderful family dogs, but Labrador retrievers do require attention from their owners, regular exercise and a controlled diet. Their inviting appearances make them particularly popular with families.
9. Australian cattle dog
When you want an easy-to-train dog that can handle a high level of activity, the Australian cattle dog is probably you're best fit. Like the border collie, these dogs were bred to herd cattle and require a high level of activity. This makes them perfect for active families with big yards.
10. Papillon
The tiny papillon is the last of the smartest dogs on this list. Many small dogs are known for their feisty natures. This is not the case with the papillon, which is easy to train and well-known for its affinity for people.

Well, at least I like one smart dog...the handsome and dashing golden retriever. Always one of my personal favorites! Anyways, here are my top list of dogs (in NO SPECIFIC ORDER):

1. Newfoundland - Now yes, Taylor had one of these, but I have to say Indiana is the SWEETEST dog I've ever met. He's also the drooliest dog I've ever met. I think if he was better groomed and more hydrated he may be less drooly, but don't hold me to that.
2. Retriever - I love Golden Retrievers, specifically because they're pretty fun to be around and they seem to have a good temperament. Now I know they are rather costly because if you get a pure-bred then you get papers and all that jazz, but come on, how can you say no to these adorable little faces?!

3. Great Pyrenees - They look a LOT like Newfoundlands, but they're sheephearding dogs. They are from mountainous areas and work with different types of livestock, including sheep, llamas, and wolves. Wolves?! Yeah, pretty sure this dog could eat your face off - total added bonus for Liz.

4 - Airedel Terrior. My dad had one of these growing up. He said it was the best dog, E-V-E-R. Loyal. Protective. Dedicated. Just what I'm looking for. I'm just not quite sure what I think of it's little snout though, but still looks and sounds like the kind of protector I'm looking for.
So, those are my current choices for a dog. Yeah, none of them will be exceptionally cheap and I'm not really sure Claudine will let me even HAVE a dog here, but well, she let creepy guy move in and she knows how badly he scares me - and won't make him move. It's really me + dog or him. Regardless of what kind of dog I end up getting, I just want to feel like this with my dog when I get her...
...happy and excited beyond belief! I want a best friend. I've already lost mine this year and living without one is pretty rough. I need something that when I come home it's happy to see me, loves me for me - with or without make up, and will be there for me even when I do something stupid or cry or laugh so hard I squeak and won't just walk out on me when life is hard. I guess that's the other reason I need a dog, because I can't find a person who's like that.

RE: Good Hair

My friend Justine posted an interesting blog about what good hair is. I am not an ethnic woman and my opinions on good hair differ from hers, but I thought a response blog would be appropriate, since I'm attempting to grow out my hair and it's frustrating me to no end.

What does define good hair? In my opinion, it is hair that is healthy, vibrant, and full of life. Hair that bounces back. Hair that maybe isn't always silky and smooth but has the correct texture based on the ethnicity of its owner.

According to television healthy hair begins at the scalp. Do I believe that? I certainly do. I don't think that your hair can truly be healthy if you don't take care of it, starting at the roots. I treat my hair like I would treat grass - you have to make sure and feed the roots where the nutrients can travel to the rest of the grass to make it grow full, thick, healthy, strong, and vibrant. You have to have healthy roots to grow healthy grass and you have to have healthy roots to grow healthy hair.

Well, for me, I need my hair to grow and it's trying...really, it is. I've decided to grow it out. Why? Why not? I don't have anything else to do with it. I don't really have the money to get it cut. I don't have any good reason to get it cut. I'm not trying to impress anyone specific and I haven't grown my hair out in about a year, so why not grow it out? It's grown about 2 1/2 to 3 inches since I got it cut around the end of May. I really hope that by December, it will be a good 3 inches below my shoulders.

I'm sure I'll get some flack for saying I don't have anyone to impress. Well, I don't. I don't feel sexy with long hair. I feel sexy and flirty with short hair. I feel sophisticated with short hair. I feel like I've got it going on with short hair. But ya know, I don't look bad with long hair. There's a lot you can do with long hair. I haven't had my hair really long in about 3 years or so and I really think it's time for a change.

Speaking of change...I'm making another one of those. I'm going to dye my hair, like all of it, all by myself. I've never done anything like that before. I've only ever gotten high- or low-lights before and I think that sometimes (especially after a break-up) you have to do something to reinvent yourself. This is my way of reinventing Liz. Yeah, I'm really nervous about it, but I guess the worse that could happen is that I have to cut my hair short and wear a hat for awhile.

I will certainly post before and after pictures once I dye my hair so everyone (who cares) can see what it looks like and I can hear everyone's opinions.

Alright guys, here are the pictures (before, during, after) the whole coloring process.



Riiiiight after
What it looks like "fixed" - or after I've been out alllll night! Par-tay!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Are You Prepared for a Free Radical?!

Okay, so I have a it too much to ask for a microwave at work? I mean, we have a couple of antique cars, a full refrigerator/freezer, and a storage unit, but we can't have a microwave. I can't have my soup. I can't have my freezer meals. I can't have cup-o-noodles. No, I have to go out and spend my hard-earned money that I'm trying to save for grad school. I didn't realize it would be so difficult. I even asked my friend what her thoughts were on the matter.
Trista:  People afraid of free radicals
me:  oh dear. i'll show them a free radical
Trista: and how
me:  oh you'll read about it in the papers
Not my greatest quote or idea on what to do about the matter, but it made me giggle and that's what I needed at the time. So instead of eating lunch today, I starved. LAME! 

I would also like to now why there are both a Mens and Womens bathroom, yet the men in the building use both there aren't any women floating around. I mean, yes I'm largely outnumbered, but at least put the SEAT BACK DOWN in the Womens room. Good grief folks! Have some common sense here.

Now, I may sound like a free radical after airing all my grievances here, but at least I can hold it together. I'm not going off on everyone. I manage to be an adult...minus my goof moments when I laugh uncontrollably. I promise I won't hurt anyone for not having a microwave or for leaving the seat up, but I do wish more folks would use common sense in life. It would make life a lot easier :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What a Woman Wants Expo

So I went to the What a Woman Wants Expo today at the Sandy Expo Center. Holy adventure!

Whomever planned to have three separate events at the large expo center today was out of their flippin' mind. VERY VERY bad idea. The parking lot for the Sandy Expo Center was OVERFLOWING with cars, trucks, minivans and angry drivers (including myself). I have to admit, I drove around for a half hour looking for a parking space. I was cut off, flipped off, and cheated for spots that I clearly should have gotten. There were cars parked in two spaces, trailers taking up two spaces, and motorcycles taking up an entire space - by themselves and not parked in motorcycle parking. I was forced to park ACROSS State Street in a dirt/rock filled lot and walk back to the expo center in heels. I also noticed that HANDICAPPED folks were having to park in that same lot and were having a difficult time crossing the street. I was VERY disappointed in the expo center.

Upon entering the Sandy Expo Center for the What a Woman Wants Expo, the "ticket" area was a zoo. Nobody seemed to know what was going on and a couple of guys seemed to be in charge of some raffles in the "ticket" area, but past that, it was a mess.

There was also no method to the madness once you go into the door, nor a map to be found anywhere detailing the layout of the showroom floor. Lame! However, after I ran around for about 15 minutes, I felt much more orientated and had a better grasp for the layout. I do think that the planners of the expo did a GREAT job organizing the layout in a logical fashion. From foods to fashions, spas to spray tans and just about anything else you can think of were at this expo. I really felt like I had gone home and gone to our little "Wallace Expo" that we had when I was a kid. All we were missing today were tractors! I have a few comments on some of the booths...

Ypsilon -

Other fashion boutique. I don't know their name.

Albert Chloe - Home of the nicest Italian leather handbags in Salt Lake!
Ypsilon was there along with a few other local fashion boutiques, including Facade and Albert Chloe. They put on an awesome fashion show as well as had booths offering some really great giveaways. I hope I won the Italian purse Albert Chloe was offering, but probably didn't! Regardless of my winnings, they had some discount coupons and I will be frequenting these boutiques for all of my fashion needs - which I have now! Since getting dumped two months ago by my dear sweet boyfriend, I've lost almost 20 pounds and two whole dress sizes. I'm very pleased, but now I need new clothes because my all fall off or at least make me look homeless. Good thing I found out about these places!! Oh, and the Blue Boutique was there too, giving away 25% off any of their super sexy costumes...I'm thinking sexy firefighter this year, yes?

I also checked out Elase Day Spa/Academy. Jenna Rae VanTassell was the kind lady who waxed my eyebrows for $5! Total show special! She was super professional and did an excellent job. My eyebrows look amazing! Give her a call at 801-302-1650 and set up an appointment with her! I also won a 10% discount on a facial peel from Elase Day Spa in South Jordan. Score! I'm looking forward to my 10% discount on my $45 peel!

Trista and I waiting for our services at Elase Day Spa/Academy. Great job ladies!!

Other spas/salons were there as well. I talked with Ellie Hales and Kylie Alexander from Roxy Car Michaels Salon. Great prices on their services! They were offering a 20% off coupon for ANY service, excluding hair extensions. This is perfect for me, as I'm attempting to get a new hair style here -- I hate this awkward growing my hair out crap because now I'm in the "awkward phase" where it's too long to do my short hair do stuff with and not long enough to do long hair stuff with. Lame! This 20% off will be VERY helpful. Other salons represented include u-lys-ses, E-Clips Hair Salon and SkinCare Etc. u-lys-ses did the hair for the fashion show I watched. Great job guys!

Pro Touch Airbrush is a mobile spray tanning service. They were represented and had a great show special going on, but they weren't taking card :( However, the girl who does the tans, comes to your HOUSE to spray tan you for $50 (not half bad) ya know? You can check out the Pro Touch Airbrush blog here!

I was pretty lucky to pick up a discount card for The Lasik Vision Institute for lasik! $500 off lasik services, but since I got an additional card (from the guy there - he wrote something on it) I can get up to $1500 their best package. I was kind of confused, but I didn't win their free lasik give away :( Visit their website here. The nice guy at the booth said that they had 24 months interest free financing, so I've got some high hopes here...I need some lasik!

Upon leaving the show and having to march back across the rock field, I broke my favorite pair of heels, OK, just one heel, but can't wear just one. That was the ultimate BUMMER for me, since I've had those heels for YEARS! I was very upset.

Overall, I think that the expo overall was a great experience. It was only $5 for the whole weekend, which would have been a great deal if I had gone both days and if it had been larger, but I didn't and saw the entire expo in only 2 1/2 hours - spending plenty of time with each booth I was interested in and plenty of time wondering around spinning wheels to win free goodies, like lip balm, toothbrushes, floss and nail files.